Learn to track your time even your distractions

Learn to track your time even your distractions
Learn to track your time even your distractions

Mastering the art of time tracking, including those pesky distractions, can revolutionize your productivity. Uncover the secrets of effective time management and transform the way you work, study, and live.


Everyone tends to distract us for their unusual requests especially when we are at Deep Work

  • In his book “Deep Work” Cal Newport gives us an insight that it takes you time to build a focus on certain things
  • 25 minutes is very short for me when I am coding or learning some skills
  • I record my time with an app for 2 hours each and take a quick break every 15-20 minutes

Highlight your time every night

Everyone improves with a lesson learned from a failure

  • To miss out on the errors all we need to do is, gather our daily activities and review them
  • Highlighting doesn’t mean reviewing your day and leaving it
  • What’s to finish, what will be my priority tomorrow, and so on

Learn to Say “No”

If you feel like someone is completely ruining your time, it’s better for you to learn from the mistakes.

  • Here are some tips to say “no” indirectly, so you don’t feel awkward
  • “Let me think about it”

Perfection is the enemy of the progress

Don’t seek perfection, it the path to Procrastination and thus zero progress.

  • It is always okay to make mistakes, understand mistake is always a technique to figure out what didn’t work on your plan to be productive.

Rather use your smartphone to increase your productivity

Smartphones are built to be light and portable, easy to use they don’t require much time

  • One-touch, we find every treasure on our hand to get used to
  • You must’ve used your smartphone so much that you wouldn’t need to conscious of it

Practice Practice and Practice

Everything needs constant progress and focus

  • 1% improvement every day
  • If you become distracted every day, you will achieve mastery on distractions
  • Start Reading everyday
  • Learn the principles of everyday things around you
  • Fill your mind with these 100 mental models


Our brain is like a battery. Every time it needs to be recharged, our battery gets sucked out when we work. To perform better, we need to eat, take a break, exercise. The best way to Recharge is, Enjoying nature or Meditation.

Eat Right

Your body functions like a machine, so it makes sense that the fuel you provide to your machine is directly correlated positively or negatively to your performance.

  • If you habit of feeding your machine poisonous elements, then indeed it will start to malfunction over time. If not, it will run healthy forever.

Learn to track your time even your distractions

Tracking your times gives you the ability to store data of your own time on your little storage for your highlights

  • Suppose after a long session on a study, you want to see a video on Youtube, so instead of slipping with the algorithm, keep track of the video, how much you’ve wasted this time with distractions, etc.

Control your smartphone

Block all the apps on your phone that are not related to work or social media

  • You will not be able to control what you are told, but you can control what is recommended to you
  • The important news will always find you, and it is better to stay informed than to miss out

Control your thoughts

Before performing any physical task, we should clear our minds

  • Meditation helps clear our mind
  • The data on the Internet is so large, it’s easy to get sucked into the Infinity Pools
  • In this informational world, it is very hard to control your thoughts, control your distractions
