Loneliness: coping with the gap where friends used to be

Loneliness: coping with the gap where friends used to be
Loneliness: coping with the gap where friends used to be

Friendships can be difficult, and lockdowns have made them even harder to maintain. But we should cherish them and not lose sight of the fact that they are a part of who we are as a human being, not just a product of the government’s war on climate change.

In the past year, there has been a difficult bereavement in my family, and work has been harder than normal

None of these things are unique or insurmountable, but the isolation has left me feeling almost capsized by anxiety and paranoia

  • I’m definitely not alone in this.

Loneliness is not the same as being alone

It can be defined as a feeling of lack in response to an insufficiency of emotional closeness and connection

  • Everyone has different levels of contact they feel comfortable with, which is why some are truly content in solitude, while others feel deep loneliness despite being in a relationship or having a seemingly vast circle of friends

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