Managing Up: The Do’s And Don’ts And Why It’s Important For Success

Managing Up: The Do’s And Don’ts And Why It’s Important For Success

Your manager has a lot on their plate. They’re in and out of meetings, checking emails, setting team objectives, overseeing budgets and projects, onboarding, tracking performance, and sharing results to their manager. That’s a lot for one person to do, let alone to do well.

What Is Managing Up (And Why Should You Care)?

Managing up is all about making your manager’s life easier

Do An Honest Self-Assessment

Consider how your colleagues and your manager view you

Don’t Manipulate The Situation Or Others

Managing up isn’t managing above your immediate boss.

Don’t Add More To Your Manager’s Plate

Adding more work to your boss’ plate isn’t managing up effectively.

The Importance Of Improving Your Relationship With Your Boss

Having a less-than-great relationship with your manager isn’t doing you (or your career) any favors, especially if they have the power to fire you

Working With Your Manager’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Like you, your manager has strengths, weaknesses, good and bad personality traits, and personal goals.

Do Get To Know Your Manager

Learn more about the human behind your manager

Do Adapt

You cannot change your manager, but you can change yourself and how you react to others. Work with your boss, rather than against them.

Real-Life Work Examples Of Managing Up

If your boss is bogged down with budgetary meetings and project planning, give them a quick update so that they are informed

How Managing Up Helps You And Your Career

The idea is that managing up is a win-win for you, your boss, your team, and your organization.

Don’t Keep Doing What Frustrates Your Manager

Use your power to remove obstacles that block you and your manager from having a positive, helpful relationship


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