Mel Robbins: If You Struggle With Stress & Anxiety, This Will Change Your Life | Jay Shetty

Mel Robbins: If You Struggle With Stress & Anxiety, This Will Change Your Life | Jay Shetty
Mel Robbins: If You Struggle With Stress & Anxiety, This Will Change Your Life | Jay Shetty

Stress and anxiety can be effectively managed through healthy coping mechanisms and self-care practices.

I think so many of us don’t feel we deserve happiness or we don’t feel we’re worthy of happiness. or we actually think mediocrity is a safer place to live because then we don’t have our expectations being unmet. – Mel Robbins

Recognize stress and anxiety as normal human responses

Stress and anxiety are normal human responses to challenging situations, but they should not define one’s life.

By implementing healthy coping mechanisms and self-care practices, individuals can alleviate the burden of stress and anxiety.

Being Present and Letting Go

Finding happiness involves being present in the moment and letting go of anxiety and stress.

This can be transformative and lead to contentment.

Practice mindfulness and meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools in combating stress and anxiety.

By practicing mindfulness, individuals can learn to be fully present in the current moment.

Meditation helps to calm the mind and relax the body, allowing for a greater sense of peace and clarity.

Campaigns of Misery Don’t Make Dreams Go Away

Campaigns of misery, such as drinking or avoiding dreams, do not make the dream go away.

They only create more pain.

Get on the court of life and take steps towards your dreams.

Don’t Settle for Mediocrity

Settling for the pain of the present instead of pursuing dreams and passions can lead to a life of mediocrity.

Overcoming fear is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.

I’ve spent the last two years and I continue to focus right now on the number one goal that I have which is to learn how to be happy and content wherever I am. – Mel Robbins

Dreams are not meant to be achieved. They are directional signals that call you from this moment toward that direction. – Jay Shetty

I don’t feel that right now…I just feel that exactly where I am looking at this View is exactly where I’m supposed to be. – Mel Robbins

As I started fixing things outside, that default drumbeat did not go away. So I turned it back on me and just started hammering me in crazy ways. – Mel Robbins

You are causing yourself so much pain by laughing off and making jokes about how it’s never going to happen. – Jay Shetty

Making the decision to seek help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It takes courage to ask for support, and it can be a transformative step on the path to healing and growth. – Jay Shetty

If you were to put a speaker on my head and broadcast the things I said to myself, you would literally check me into the seventh floor at Mass General Hospital…it was a constant drumbeat of negativity. – Mel Robbins

Trying Until You Make It

Instead of ‘faking it till you make it,’ adopt the mindset of ‘trying until you make it.’ Sitting on the sidelines and making jokes about not achieving goals only amplifies self-doubt.

Not all stress is bad. There’s a positive form of stress which they call eustress, which is when we’re doing something challenging, but we also have the skills and resources to handle it. – Jay Shetty

Nobody cares what’s in your glass but you, and if what I’m putting in my glass makes you question what you’re putting in yours, then maybe you have some work to do. – Mel Robbins

Develop a strong support system

Developing a strong support system is crucial in dealing with stress and anxiety.

Surrounding oneself with supportive friends, family, or a therapist can provide a safe space to express emotions and receive guidance.

Balance Spiritual Quiet Time and Ambition

Balancing spiritual quiet time and the busy, ambitious aspects of life is crucial for long-term happiness.

Taking Active Steps to Combat Loneliness

Loneliness can be combated by taking active steps to reach out and make connections.

Make the effort to connect with others and nurture relationships.

Happiness as a Continuous Work

Happiness is a continuous work in progress for Mel Robbins.

It’s like a muscle that needs to be exercised, slowing down the mind and grounding oneself in the present moment.

Focus for the next seven days on just adding one [little thing] in a day, and you would be very surprised how getting some of the little things right actually starts to turn your life in a completely different direction. – Mel Robbins

You actually need both, you need deep spiritual quiet time and you need the busyness…but that can’t be your default anymore. – Mel Robbins

Reframe Negative Thoughts

Mel Robbins emphasizes the importance of reframing negative thoughts and focusing on the positive.

Instead of dwelling on losses, choose to focus on the good and be present.

Learning to be Happy and Content

Mel Robbins focuses on learning how to be happy and content wherever she is in life.

Slowing down during the pandemic forced her to face her unhappiness and develop tools to be content in the present moment.

Fixing External Problems vs. Internal Dialogue

Fixing external problems does not eliminate negative thoughts and self-criticism.

It’s important to address and challenge the internal dialogue as well.

Take care of physical health

Taking care of one’s physical health is interconnected with managing stress and anxiety.

Engaging in regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and ensuring adequate sleep are essential for overall well-being.

So many of us experience pain of not going after what we want or what we need or what we feel is our calling because of the pain that comes with that…we think we have to make a choice, but it’s not binary. – Mel Robbins

Challenge negative thoughts and beliefs

Recognize and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to stress and anxiety.

By reframing negative thoughts in a more positive and realistic light, individuals can cultivate a more resilient mindset and reduce stress levels.

Happiness is Internal

Happiness is not just external factors, but also our internal dialogue and thoughts.

Fix personal issues and address negative self-talk to create a foundation for happiness.
