Networked thinking: a quiet cognitive revolution

Networked thinking: a quiet cognitive revolution
Networked thinking: a quiet cognitive revolution

Networked thinking (NT) considers the complex interactions between nodes and connections in a given problem space.

How Common Sense Limits NT

Cognitive biases and preconceived opinions allow wrong ideas to sound right.

  • i.e. People thought it was common sense that the Earth was flat.

Every new node is an island of mystery until it is bridged to another node.

Tools for NT

Augmented Intelligence:

  • Tech. used to enhance, and not replace, human thinking.
  • Website suggestions:
  • Roam
  • Patreon
  • Substack

NT in Science

Our human connections may be seen as an extension of the way we interact with the world.

  • i.e. Researchers found that a person’s network had a huge impact on their chance of obesity.

Two Key Principles of NT: Divergence and Emergence


  • Branching out from the original point in many directions, without trying to evaluate the validity of any idea (a node).
  • i.e. Is the cause of obesity only tied to the individual?
  • Emergence:
  • The emergence of patterns connecting the nodes.
  • i.e. Scientists noticed clusters of obese people who knew one another.
