New Neuroscience Reveals 5 Rituals That Will Make Your Life Awesome

New Neuroscience Reveals 5 Rituals That Will Make Your Life Awesome
New Neuroscience Reveals 5 Rituals That Will Make Your Life Awesome

Unlock the secrets of your brain and transform your life with five simple rituals. Grounded in the latest neuroscience research, these practices promise to enhance your happiness, productivity, and overall awesomeness. Ready to embark on this exciting journey?

The story of John and Steph Cacioppo

They fell in love despite the fact that she was a leading researcher on love and he was a researcher on loneliness.

  • Their relationship blossomed and eventually led to them getting married.
  • John’s work had shown the terrifying perils of loneliness and increased your chance of death by 25-30% over 7 years
  • Loneliness wasn’t about how much time you spent with people – it was about how meaningful you felt your relationships were
  • And yet here they were: Dr. Love and Dr. Loneliness. Together.


Every day, try writing down five things that you truly appreciate

  • Studies show that these simple exercises can significantly improve subjective well-being and reduce feelings of loneliness
  • Stop taking the positive stuff for granted
  • Remember the good
  • Appreciate it and savor it


Have fun – share your good moments and encourage others to do the same

  • Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living, and the overexamined one might not be worth living either
  • Stop thinking and go have some fun – it makes a difference


When someone else is feeling lonely, don’t be afraid to reach out – even when it doesn’t feel good.

  • Being shown respect, being depended upon, being made to understand your own importance can all decrease feelings of isolation
  • And if you need to feel better, act – don’t wait for someone else to initiate contact.

How to make your life awesome with GRACE:

Gratitude: Think of how life could be worse. Appreciate the good things that are real.

  • Reciprocity: I’ll say something nice to that stranger next time I’m at Starbucks if you do the same. Deal?
  • Altruism: Volunteer. Offer your knowledge or expertise to help someone. Think of it like bragging, except instead of being a jerk you’ll be an awesome person
  • Choice: You can choose to do something different. You have a choice. If you don’t, you will become your own worst-case scenario
  • Enjoyment: Go have fun. And share the good times with others. It’s a big deal. Big enough to make a difference.


Volunteer at places that make a big impact on others

  • Be a part of something bigger than yourself and feel a sense of mission
  • Don’t feel guilty when you do good deeds
  • We don’t do good things because we feel we’re good, it’s the reverse
  • Help others and you’ll feel like a good person


When we feel low, we can go back and forth between guilt and shame like they’re tasty dipping sauces

  • While your actions may not always feel like they have meaning, they definitely have consequences
  • You have a choice. And that choice is not a burden – it’s an opportunity
  • Stop waiting for change to just “happen.” You don’t become better simply by waiting around
