No Time To Exercise

No Time To Exercise
No Time To Exercise

Having no time to exercise is a common complaint but it is easily solved. Here is a list of best tips, all of which I have tried. If you find you have no time, here are some tips that can help you get more exercise in the long run.


The best way to stop feeling like you have no time to exercise is to build either an exercise routine, or to build exercise into your existing routine.

  • Exercising in the morning is a good time to start because there are less calls on your time then.


Home gym

  • If you have space for some gym equipment at home it is easier and quicker to workout saving valuable family time.
  • You can still do an exercise class on the internet
  • Joe Wickes or doing HIIT workouts is an option.


Even everyday tasks like mowing the lawn can help you burn calories.

  • By picking just one or two of these options, you will automatically create a regular habit and make exercise part of your routine.
  • The best thing is, you probably do most of the below anyway!

The Commute

Use your commute to your advantage as it offers lots of different ways to exercise no matter what your current fitness levels

  • Swap your bus/car commute for a cycle if you live close enough.
  • If you live too far for that, consider getting off your commute further from your destination and then running or walking the rest of the way.


Take a lunchtime break to refresh yourself

  • Go to the gym – most city centres, industrial estates and even some offices have a gym these days
  • You can find exercise classes run in local parks and spaces
  • If it sounds a bit too public, go for a run somewhere quieter
