Operation You: Taking Personal Responsibility

Operation You: Taking Personal Responsibility
Operation You: Taking Personal Responsibility

Your biggest problem is you. It’s not the weather, or the economy, or government, or alignment of the stars. It’s you. Now, we can start getting you out of your own way. Prepare yourself for Operation: You’re the biggest problem.

The Stuff That Happens to You vs. Stuff that Happens Because of You

The stuff that happens to you is out of your control, but because of your actions, it is completely within your control.

  • You have to get the power back in your own hands, no one else can prevent you from getting what you want

Are You at the Cause or the Effect?

If you want positive outcomes in your life, you have to be responsible and in control of your responses, actions, and outcomes.

  • You will often hear people say things like, “You really make me mad!” Sounds reasonable, right? Yet no one has the power to make you feel anything unless you allow it.
  • No matter what someone else does, you always have control over your response.

Model Your Idols

Success leaves clues. Pay particular attention to the systems, routines, and habits your idols implemented on their path to achieving their dreams.

  • You will find that those you admire took control of their lives and would not let obstacles get in their way.

How to Empower Operation: You

Three exercises you can undertake to help you start to take full responsibility for your outcomes and your life

  • Change the way you think
  • Empower yourself to take ownership of your outcomes, your life, and your future by creating and following a Code of Conduct

Over to You

Actions you take lead to the outcomes you achieve

  • Those actions are based on the beliefs you hold to be true
  • If you believe you are in control, you empower yourself to charge forth and get what you want
  • May you find the power to make your dreams come true

Start a Journal

If you don’t have a clear written record of what came before, it is impossible to understand how far you’ve come

  • A journal is a simple way to record your progress
  • Write down three things you can do to make your day wonderful
  • At the end of each day, write down three great things that happened that day, and one thing you could have done to make the day better

Practice Mindfulness

Being aware of what is happening in your life right now

  • Mindfulness teaches that you have everything you need right here in this present moment
  • This understanding allows you to let go of anxiety
  • When you remove anxiety, you free up valuable mental capacity that you can dedicate to doing the work required to get the outcomes you desire
