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Atomic Ideas: Audiobooks that talk to you!
Finally: You can work less and still achieve more (using #hyperfocus)

Finally: You can work less and still achieve more (using #hyperfocus)

Atomic Ideas from Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey

Our attention has never been as overwhelmed as it is today, and we've never been so busy while accomplishing so little.

In Hyperfocus, Chris Bailey provides profound insights into how we can best manage our attention. He reveals how the brain switches between two mental modes

  • hyperfocus, our deep concentration mode, and

  • scatterfocus, our creative, reflective mode –

The surest path to being our most creative and efficient selves at work is to combine them both.


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Hyperfocus vs. Scatterfocus

The book "Hyperfocus" by Chris Bailey defines hyperfocusing as expanding one task so it consumes your full attentional space. You enter this mode by managing your attention in a deliberate, undistracted way, choosing one important task, eliminating distractions, and focusing solely on that one thing.

Scatterfocus, conversely, is characterized by letting your mind wander and directing your attention inward. This mode is accessed by deliberately allowing your thoughts to roam freely.

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Atomic Ideas: Audiobooks that talk to you!
Atomic Ideas from the world's best non-fiction books. We reimagined audiobooks - Atomic Ideas delivers book summaries in delightfully done conversational format that makes it easy to digest and understand core topics - on a variety of topics (health, wealth, relationships)
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