Princess Reema: Using Privilege to Spark Change

Princess Reema: Using Privilege to Spark Change
Princess Reema: Using Privilege to Spark Change

Princess Reema Bandar Al Saud is a member of the Saudi royal family and Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the United States. She is also an entrepreneur, CEO, and advocate for women’s empowerment in Saudi Arabia. In this conversation with Bob Safian, she recounts how she used her privilege and business-thinking to create change in one of the most traditional societies in the world.

Leveraging Business Tactics to Overcome Obstacles

Princess Reema was born into privilege but felt an obligation to use her advantage for impact and influence.

She started by trying to open economic opportunity for women in Saudi Arabia, but quickly encountered obstacles from religious police and other restrictions.

Despite these challenges, she used her business savvy to make significant changes.

Applying Business Principles for Women’s Empowerment

Princess Reema applied basic business principles such as recognizing that it’s beneficial to have women selling to each other, and working with the Ministry of Labor to create regulations that allowed for co-ed workplaces.

She also tackled women’s health issues by pressing for more bathrooms for women in the building where she worked.

Representing Both Men and Women in Saudi Arabia

Princess Reema understands that her words carry a great deal of weight as she now represents not just the women of her country, but also the men.

She knows that she must choose her words carefully and that they must be balanced to have a meaningful impact. She is grateful for the recent progress made by introducing laws that allow women to drive, work anywhere, receive equal pay, and be head of household.

Challenging the Status Quo

As a businesswoman, Princess Reema was determined to challenge the status quo and push for greater inclusion of women in areas previously off-limits.

From creating a women’s social enterprise to her work at the Ministry of Sports, she used her privilege and conscience to provide access for opportunity.

Overcoming Obstacles with a Fluid Approach

Princess Reema of Saudi Arabia has faced many obstacles in her work for women’s rights, including the limiting belief that she holds herself to.

Rather than seeing the obstacles as walls, she has embraced a more fluid approach to bring people with her in the process of creating change.

Transforming Into a Diplomat

In her role as diplomat, Princess Reema continues to push for greater access for women, but now she must do so within the confines of official statements and regulations.

Rather than saying a hard “no,” she works to provide open-ended regulations that can still be adapted by younger generations, allowing them to pursue their own dreams.

Creating Opportunities for Women in Saudi Arabia

Princess Reema is an advocate for the modernisation of Saudi society.

Despite respecting its traditions, she believes that women must be able to have the same rights and freedoms as men.

She has witnessed firsthand how the introduction of new laws can open doors for women and make positive changes in their lives.
