Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable – Seth Godin

Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable – Seth Godin
Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable – Seth Godin

“Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable” was first published in 2003 and has since become a classic in the fields of marketing and entrepreneurship. The book’s central idea is that in today’s crowded marketplace, it’s not enough to be good or even great—businesses need to be remarkable in order to stand out and succeed. The “purple cow” metaphor is used to illustrate this idea, as a purple cow would be so unusual and remarkable that it would be impossible to ignore.

Being Safe is Risky

The book argues that in today’s world, being safe is actually risky for businesses. In a crowded marketplace where customers have countless options, businesses need to take risks and be remarkable in order to stand out and be noticed. Playing it safe may feel comfortable, but it’s a recipe for mediocrity and ultimately failure.

Make it Easy to Spread the Word

One of the hallmarks of a remarkable product or service is that people want to talk about it and share it with others. Businesses can make this process easier by making it simple for customers to spread the word – whether that’s through social media sharing buttons, referral programs, or other incentives.

Remarkable is Different than Good

Being good is no longer enough. Businesses need to be remarkable, meaning they need to be worthy of being remarked upon by customers and potential customers. A remarkable product, service, or marketing campaign is something that is so different and valuable that people can’t help but talk about it and share it with others.

Embrace Change

In today’s fast-moving world, businesses need to be willing to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances in order to stay relevant and remarkable. The book argues that businesses should be constantly experimenting and trying new things, even if they sometimes fail, in order to find the next big thing.

Find Your Niche

The book suggests that the key to being remarkable is to find a specific niche or segment of the market that you can serve better than anyone else. By focusing on a specific group of people with specific needs, you can create a product or service that is uniquely valuable to them and that they will be passionate about.

Be Authentic

Authenticity is the key to being remarkable. Customers can spot a fake or a phony a mile away, and businesses that try to be something they’re not will ultimately fail. Instead, businesses should focus on being true to their values and their unique identity, and let that authenticity shine through in everything they do.

Be Bold

Boldness is a key ingredient in creating a purple cow. Businesses that are willing to take risks and try new things, even if they sometimes fail, are the ones that will ultimately succeed. The book encourages businesses to be bold and not be afraid to challenge the status quo.

Create a Purple Cow

The book’s central metaphor is the idea of a purple cow – something that is so remarkable and different that people can’t help but pay attention to it. The challenge for businesses is to create their own purple cow – to create something that is so remarkable and valuable that it stands out from the crowd.

Marketing is Everyone’s Job

Marketing is not just the responsibility of the marketing department – it’s everyone’s job. Every interaction that a customer has with a business is a marketing opportunity, and every employee should be thinking about how they can make those interactions remarkable and memorable.
