Rekindling Your Lost Joy Is Not As Difficult As You Think

Rekindling Your Lost Joy Is Not As Difficult As You Think
Rekindling Your Lost Joy Is Not As Difficult As You Think

Feeling joyless can be a daunting experience, but rekindling that lost spark doesn't have to be an uphill battle. Uncover the simplicity of rediscovering happiness, and learn how to reignite your inner light with less effort than you might imagine.

Books inspire you to do tasks that you otherwise wouldn’t dare to do

As kids, we all loved reading books, but as we grew up, our priorities and interests changed, and we no longer jumped into the magical lands of books

  • Sure, we need to build a sustainable reading habit to rekindle our forgotten joy, but it isn’t difficult when it only requires four simple steps

What you can do

While you spend hours watching television, try reading for at least an hour

  • In Atomic Habits by James Clear, he talks about cues and environment.
  • Having a book somewhere you can see, having a particular place for reading in your house, or even using a specific chair for reading is enough to signal your brain to pick up and read the book

What you can do

Find reading challenges online

  • Goodreads Reading Challenge
  • You can also form a challenge among your friends or at your reading club
  • This way, you’re not alone and can share book ideas, intriguing quotes, and excerpts with other reading enthusiasts

Final thoughts

Books can shape your personality, your way of thinking, and your analytical skills

  • Contrary to what many think, reading is not an expensive hobby
  • There are several cost-effective ways to build your reading habit
  • Get a membership at the library
  • Buy second-hand books from thrift stores
  • Ask your friends to gift you books
  • Or opt to read Kindle versions

What you can do

Read books in different genres

  • By mixing up your genres, you add more fun and flavor to your reading
  • You expose yourself to different storytelling styles, plus you get to experience unique setups, characters, and circumstances
  • Books can train you
  • Highlight sections you like and try applying them in real life

To put them in a nutshell

Just like your programming, cooking, or dancing skills, your reading skills also require regular practice. Try to read for at least an hour every week.

  • To motivate you, and keep you accountable, join reading challenges or start a book club.

Commit to an Hour Every Week

Reading just 6 minutes a day can slow down your heart rate, and you feel more relaxed

  • People who read for 30 minutes a week felt 20% more satisfied with their lives
  • 30 minutes of reading a day is as effective as 30 minutes yoga

Create or Take Part in a Reading Challenge to Stay Motivated

Challenges are a great way to bring back the fun.

  • When you challenge yourself to read 15 books a year, psychologically, you’re hyped to complete the task. You push yourself to stay driven and hold yourself accountable.

Book recommendations to inspire you

The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson, The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Cosmos by Carl Sagan, The Hitch-iker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Read What Interests You Rather Than What You “Should” Read

Cultivating a reading habit is crucial for the overall development of one’s personality.

Learn to Let Go of the Book That Doesn’t Resonate With You

You can’t connect with everything you read

  • A lot of books make me fall asleep
  • Reading can help build a peaceful sleep routine
  • Try to stop reading a book halfway, even if it’s boring

What you can do

Read the 69th page of any book before giving up

  • If you find the page captivating, then read the book; else, drop it
  • People often tell you you can save a lot of time and energy by giving up a book that doesn’t work out
  • By saving time, you can instead move on to read and learn interesting information
