Research Agrees With Jeff Bezos That This Is the Most Important Quality for Success

Research Agrees With Jeff Bezos That This Is the Most Important Quality for Success

Unraveling the secret to success, we delve into the wisdom of Jeff Bezos, the titan of e-commerce. His belief in one paramount quality as the cornerstone of achievement is not only intriguing but also backed by extensive research.

When Jeff Bezos was CEO of Amazon, he stressed intellectual humility

To reach your maximum potential, you need to be willing to learn and improve

All the ways intellectual humility helps you get ahead

The intellectually humble give more careful consideration to evidence that contradicts their views, and end up with a better understanding of those they disagree with

How can we temper our natural human tendency toward overconfidence and nudge ourselves to be a little more humble about the limits of our knowledge?

Jeff Bezos was right


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