Six Life Lessons I Learnt Playing Wordle Game

Six Life Lessons I Learnt Playing Wordle Game
Six Life Lessons I Learnt Playing Wordle Game

Embarking on the Wordle journey is more than just a game; it's a life-altering experience. Discover how six profound life lessons emerged from the simple act of playing this popular word puzzle, transforming everyday gaming into a wellspring of wisdom.

About this Article

During a routine daily web browsing, Google Chrome threw some recommendation links at me regarding the viral trending game of Wordle.

  • I have always enjoyed solving puzzles and word games – both literally and in life, so I got curious and was hooked to it from that day
  • Eventually, introduced it to my daughter who is in her early teens and even she got impressed
  • As I played on, I kept wondering about and drawing parallels between this game and our life, in general.

Color Codes, Clues, and Cues

As we progress in making choices and taking actions, we are constantly receiving feedback, whether we notice it or not

  • We constantly get feedback both from internal and external sources
  • Be alert to notice and process the feedback to continue or alter our course of action accordingly, to ensure we are on the right path

Sharing is Being Social

We are social beings. We have an innate need for sharing our feelings, successes, failures, accomplishments, highs, and lows, with a set of beings with whom we grow and develop a sense of camaraderie, togetherness, and social belonging.

  • Sharing is a form of therapy built into the fabric of society.


We often feel we play to win and get dejected if we lose. We need to learn that we play for the sake of learning how to play the infinite game of life.

  • No matter you win or lose, keep playing. Play On, Live On.

One Wordle a Day, One Day at a Time

Just like how the Wordle challenge is available only one game a day, we can only live life one day at a time! Not more. Not less.

  • And we have to strive to do our best to make the best of every day.

The Wordle Game

Wordle, a once-a-day “guess the word” game, has been one of the recent viral sensations on the internet

  • Josh Wardle designed the game during the lockdown in October 2021
  • By early Feb 2022, New York Times has purchased the game from Wardle

Limited Chances

Make deliberate and intentional choices that can lead you towards your goals and pursuits.

  • Everything needs focused and consistent efforts on a daily basis. Focus on your daily routine, family, work, and spiritual path. Make deliberate, intentional choices to ensure you are making the right choices.

Meaningful Words, Meaningful Life

The meaning of life has internal and external dimensions

  • Internally, the purpose and quality of life need to provide a sense of satisfaction
  • Externally, it can mean contributing towards your family, your personal growth, your community, society, your team, your product, your service, your organization, your nation, towards your neighborhood, or nature, or humanity in general

The Simplicity of Wordle

The user interface is super simple. There are no advertisements, no distractions, just simple rules. You have to guess a five-letter word in six chances every day. After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to indicate the closeness of your guess.

  • Correctly guessing the correct word will have a green tile. A correct letter in the wrong spot has a golden tile.

Simple Rules, Common Sense

We have to live life within its simple framework, applying our common sense

  • Much of common sense is still a lot more common
  • It has given way to what we refer to as “common sense”
  • These days, we are used to hearing that common sense may not be so common, but it is still very important to live by
