Sometimes You Have to Ditch Your Vision to Discover Your Calling

Sometimes You Have to Ditch Your Vision to Discover Your Calling
Sometimes You Have to Ditch Your Vision to Discover Your Calling

You manifested your vision, and now you’re living your deepest calling. But you don’t sleep well. Your body feels sluggish and unsteady. Worst of all, the intense workload is creating physical or attentive distance between you and the people and activities you love. Still, the thought of leaving is inconceivable

Heeding a Calling

“There is no greater gift to give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.”

  • Oprah
  • You’ve got a great vision for yourself, but is it in support of your greater calling?
  • Four questions to ask yourself to find out:

How far can you trace the vision back?

You’ll know something is a true calling if it never goes away, no matter what we might cover it up with temporarily.

  • Think back to what you loved most as a child. Your childhood loves and innate talents can give you a clue as to what your true calling is.

What kind of payment/sacrifice is your vision asking for?

True callings magically and seamlessly weave all the parts of ourselves together into a cohesive sense of rightness.

  • Temporary visions can swallow us whole; true callings make us whole. Look closely at where your vision originated, who it is pleasing, how far you can trace it back, and what kind of compensation it is demanding. Then and only then can you gain the clarity you need and, if necessary, ditch your vision to make space for your calling.

Where did the vision originate?

True callings originate far beyond an ego’s temporary hungers for validity and approval.

  • If the vision originated to soothe your ego’s lack of confidence or as a way to gain desired acceptance, it’s likely not a true calling but a temporary vision.

Who is the vision trying to please?

A vision can be born out of other people’s opinions and expectations for us without us actually knowing it.

  • A calling, on the other hand, is pure and untouchable.
  • It doesn’t try to please anyone but merely seek expression.
