Stoicism explained in exactly 500 words

Stoicism explained in exactly 500 words
Stoicism explained in exactly 500 words

Embark on a journey through the philosophical landscape of Stoicism. Uncover its core principles, its historical roots, and its modern relevance, all distilled into a concise, 500-word exploration. Prepare to delve into a world where virtue is the highest good.

Stoicism is a school of Philosophy that originated in Athens in 300BC and endured for five centuries

Although Stoicism isn’t mainstream anymore, a large number of successful people swear by it

  • Four values the Stoics emphasized
  • courage in the face of adversity, moderation while indulging in materialism, and a strong moral compass while making decisions.

Complexity Condensed

An email that explains a complex topic in exactly 500 words

Stoicism is a framework for decision making that maximizes your chances of success in the long term

While most things are out of your control, your thoughts, actions, and reactions are controllable.

  • In life, the outcomes of your decisions compound over time, so focus on internal events, and an indifference to external ones.

The bottom line

Access to opportunities, the ability to make better decisions, and an increase in efficiency sound like jargon you’d find in a business school brochure.
