Stoicism: How To Build Self Discipline

Stoicism: How To Build Self Discipline
Stoicism: How To Build Self Discipline

Embarking on a journey through the ancient philosophy of Stoicism, we'll explore its profound teachings on self-discipline. Uncover the secrets of the Stoic masters and learn how to harness their wisdom to fortify your own resolve and resilience.


It’s something we all want, but seems to be getting harder and harder to develop.

  • Discipline is simply your ability to overcome your short term desire
  • To change habits we need to develop discipline
  • In this entry, you’ll find: Why discipline is so important, why it’s becoming more difficult for you to develop it, and how you can develop it

Stoicism & Discipline

The Stoics were advocates of self mastery

  • They promoted self examination, self control, personal responsibility, and objectivity
  • Without discipline, we are destined to float through life as a passenger
  • With discipline, you become the captain standing at the helm of your ship
  • You develop the ability to choose your direction and leverage what is within your control

How do we build Discipline?

We need resistance to grow, and that growth will depend on the resistance we apply

  • Any time we feel the little voice within calling us to resist an action, or validate a decision not to do something, this is an opportunity to develop resilience
  • That is the resistance you need to grow

Why build Self Discipline?:

Whenever we have a goal, whether it’s losing that extra weight, building our dream business, or becoming an incredible musician, we need to put in the work

  • Discipline is one of the most important life skills required to be successful, whatever success means to you

Final thoughts:

We’ll always have the pull of desire trying to drag us away from the things we want. However, we can develop the ability to more easily say no to that pull.

  • This is discipline, and it’s our responsibility.
  • People who love what they do wear themselves down doing it, they even forget to wash or eat.

Discipline vs Motivation

Motivation is inconsistent. It comes and goes, so if you rely solely on motivation to get things done it’s easy to fall back into old habits or procrastinate. Discipline is different, it’s consistent.

  • Discipline takes up the slack when motivation doesn’t show up. It keeps us moving towards our target even when our body or our mind want to stay warm.

Why is it getting more difficult to build self discipline?

An easier life creates two conditions that makes discipline difficult to cultivate: temptation and lack of resistance

  • We are surrounded by more and more sources of temptation and distractions that make it increasingly difficult to overcome our impulses
  • Discipline will atrophy like a muscle if not used, and in our world today it’s easier to get by without having to use it
