Summary of The Science Of Getting Rich

Summary of The Science Of Getting Rich
Summary of The Science Of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich is a book on the science of getting rich and how to apply it to your life. The previous blog explains what the book is. This blog offers a summary of The Science Of Getting Rich and details core concepts, and the next blog will provide actionable tips to help you apply

Have 100% belief

Cultivate authentic, powerful belief that you will achieve your goals

  • Be grateful for the success you are striving for even before you receive it
  • Convince your subconscious mind that you already have something you want, that part of your mind has no option other than to deliver it to you

Exercise your imagination with frequency

Use your will power to discipline yourself to think about your vision and your plan every day

  • You’ll begin to believe it, and your subconscious will begin to tap into the creative force of the universe-the Infinite Intelligence
  • Opportunities will arise, as the universe realigns itself to manifest the future you believe in

Maintain Gratitude

Your attitude matters

The Science of Getting Rich

Wallace D. Wattles’ book is deep and complex

  • You become abundant by using your creative imagination to develop a plan to add great value to others
  • The more you help people get the things they want, the more wealth and abundance will flow to you

Give people the impression of increase

Strive to give maximum value to everyone you meet

  • Impress upon everyone you interact with the benefit they will receive by associating with you
  • Make sure people understand that what you are giving them is valuable
  • People see how hard you are working to help them succeed

Step 6: Make every day a success

Combine thinking and acting

  • Fill your days creating, being grateful, and having belief
  • Take as much action toward your goal every day as possible
  • What action steps did you take today?
  • Make a list of things you did not do well
  • Focus on your mindset


Join the Mastermind as we learn how to harness the creative method of thought in specific ways to create wealth.

  • John Rogers has earned the prestigious Blue Diamond rank with Univera, the highest rank that the health- and wellness-focused network marketing company offers, and is the former CEO of Premium Enterprises
  • He is passionate about teaching fellow network marketers how to replicate his success.

The Science of Getting Rich Action Steps

The core of the book is a series of action steps that you can take to add value to other people and, by doing so, become wealthy.

  • Many readers have failed to profit from the formula in part because of the subtitle “Financial Success Through Creative Thought”.
  • Wattles’ action steps teach you how to maximize the value that you offer other people.

Step 2: Be creative, not just competitive

Create something new or different than what’s been done before.

  • When you’re focused on your competition, then you’re not creating, you’re just reacting. It’s hard to be innovative or original when your action plan is reacting to what other people are building.

Overview of The Science of Getting Rich

Think and act creatively to add value to others

  • Wallace D Wattles’ mission was to bring the world a simple method to achieve abundance
  • This book represents a culmination of his work
  • In the book, Wattles shares his life’s work, career, and most importantly, his philosophy

How to get the most benefit

The more attention you give something, the better you get at it

  • There is tremendous benefit to be gained by systematically rereading and studying this book
  • Understanding and applying these action steps is its own skill set
  • Practice it, and practice some more

Are You a Good Fit?

If you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, this group isn’t for you

Take only efficient action

Make everything you create as efficient and excellent as possible.

  • If you’re going to do something, then show up 100% and give it all you’ve got
  • Add value to others by attracting others to you and delivering the best possible product or service

Get into a business that’s right for you

Identify the skills necessary to be successful in any chosen industry

  • Choose an industry that suits the skills you already have
  • The only way to get rich in your specific industry is to be the best at what you do
  • Go with what you’re good at, then get better

The central question

Are you doing the same thing as others? Or, are you adding value by doing something different?

  • If you’ve started a business, what makes your product or service unique? What is the benefit others will receive by working with you? People are attracted to creators; not to those who do the exact same thing.

Have a definite vision

Develop a clear vision for what you want

  • Have a well-conceived strategy for how you will accumulate wealth
  • What is your specific plan to realize your vision?
  • There are many ways to make money, but the most important question for you to answer is, ‘What are you going to do different and better than anyone else in your industry?’

Do more than fill your present place

Provide the absolute best

  • Reach, stretch, strive, learn, and apply, and always try to grow so that you can serve your audience better
  • When you’re striving, Infinite Intelligence will provide intuitive messages for how you can do better

Make money now

Create something unique, continue to make it better, and give way more than what you’re charging for

  • Clients should be thrilled to pay you because they’re getting so much value out of your service
  • People will trust and like you and they will want to buy your products
  • When you provide a huge amount of value, you will receive a corresponding amount of money

Take The Science of Getting Rich to the Next Level

What if you could find a group of like-minded people, all studying this text and others like it, all helping each other learn and help each other to rapidly improve their lives? That’s the power of the Wealth Creation Mastermind.
