The 5 areas of personal growth

The 5 areas of personal growth
The 5 areas of personal growth

Parent Post

Personal growth isn’t like

Personal growth isn’t like GDP. It’s about quality rather than quantity. 

Identify what is serving you and what is holding you back.

If you aspire for personal growth, then you have to focus on yourself. 

Here are five areas of personal growth and how to improve them.

Not knowingPart of the

Not knowing

Part of the personal growth process of acceptance is to accept what you don’t know.

To be able to accept what we do not know is a significant step in the journey of personal growth in areas of our life. 

It allows you to let go and trust, which can remove stress and anxiety. 

Self-AwarenessSelf-awareness will help you


Self-awareness will help you recognize knee-jerk reactions and question them in the context of who you are now. 

You will see that some options that served you in the past are no longer in your best interests as a fully formed adult. 

Indeed, some of these learned behaviors may be positively toxic and hence, they are significantly holding you back in terms of career, relationships, and life in general.

Knowing yourselfIf you want

Knowing yourself

If you want to know yourself, you need to dig deep and find your authentic self—the real “you.” 

Listing your core values is a useful way to start. Consciously knowing your values will ground you, empower you, and enhance your self-confidence.

By knowing yourself, you can establish where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. 

ControlOne thing we humans


One thing we humans love is control—to be in control. Or, at least, we love the idea of being in control. We tend to link control with safety. 

One difference between fear and anxiety is that fear tends to be based on reality whereas anxiety is not. The fact is we spend too much of our time worrying about external factors and future potentials. 

If you want to be in control, focus on your thoughts, your beliefs, and your values.

Free yourself from the

Free yourself from the ally echo chamber

You know your allies, as you’ve likely been venting to them. 

They can also distort reality by allowing you to focus on your own version of what happened instead of the facts. Don’t give in to this distraction.

Final ThoughtsAwareness, inner control,

Final Thoughts

Awareness, inner control, acceptance, and true knowledge will enhance your journey to improving different areas of your personal growth. 

Only by knowing yourself can you grow yourself.

AcceptanceUse the ten-second rule. Recognize


Use the ten-second rule. 

Recognize your emotion—frustration, anger, disappointment, blame, self-pity (this is a great one to let go of), or whatever—and focus on it for ten seconds. 

Acknowledge it, respect it, and let it go. This will create space for positivity and practical solutions.

The keyword is “accept.” 

Suffering arises from craving; the only way to be fully liberated from suffering is to be fully liberated from craving; and the only way to be liberated from craving is to train the mind to experience reality as it is.
