The 5 Areas of Personal Growth (And How to Improve Them)

The 5 Areas of Personal Growth (And How to Improve Them)
The 5 Areas of Personal Growth (And How to Improve Them)

Personal growth isn’t like GDP. It’s about quality rather than quantity. If you aspire for personal growth, then you have to focus on yourself. So, what areas of personal growth do you like to improve? Take a look in your vegetable patch and see what is serving you and what is holding you back


Over the years, you have programmed yourself to react rather than respond

  • Self-awareness will help you recognize these knee-jerk reactions and question them in the context of who you are now
  • Some options that served you in the past are no longer in your best interests as a fully formed adult

Knowing Yourself

It can be tempting to compromise who you are for the sake of being accepted by others.

  • If you want to know yourself, you need to dig deep and find your authentic self-the real “you.”
  • Listing your core values is a useful way to start. Consciously knowing your values will ground you and enhance your self-confidence.

Not Knowing

Part of the personal growth process of acceptance is to accept what you don’t know. Accepting what we do not know is a significant step in the journey of personal growth in areas of our life.

  • Simply surrendering yourself to whatever is happening and may happen in the future is a liberating experience.


We spend too much of our time worrying about external factors and future potentials. The important thing is what we focus on.

  • If you want to be in control, focus on your thoughts, your beliefs, and your values.
  • External factors are important but most important is how we respond to them.


When we allow something that “happens” to disturb our peace, we give away our power

  • Shirzad Chamine recommends that we treat unwanted thoughts, perceptions, and irritations the same way we treat physical triggers
  • Use the ten-second rule
  • Focus on something negative for ten seconds and then release it into the ether to open space for positivity and practical solutions
