The 5-Minute Habit (Based on Neuroscience) That Will Change Your Life

The 5-Minute Habit (Based on Neuroscience) That Will Change Your Life
The 5-Minute Habit (Based on Neuroscience) That Will Change Your Life

Discover the transformative power of a simple, neuroscience-backed habit that can be accomplished in just five minutes. This practice, grounded in scientific research, holds the potential to significantly alter your life, enhancing productivity, positivity, and overall well-being.

“I’ve got a dream that’s worth more than my sleep.”

We must be tenacious in working toward our goals, and we might occasionally have to sacrifice a little sleep for that dream.

  • “Hustle at any cost” culture has convinced us that this means choosing between success and quality of life
  • Stress, exhaustion, and decision fatigue caused by “hustling” can lead to mood swings
  • Napping enhances alertness and attention even better than caffeine
  • Brief periods of rest counteract the sluggish effects of not getting enough quality sleep


Simple focused breathing gives us a mental energy boost

  • It also helps us relax into our unconscious mental processes, supporting creativity and productivity by activating our parasympathetic nervous system
  • Action step: First, practice diaphragmatic breathing – drawing the air into your belly instead of your upper chest.
  • Next, breathing only through your nose, inhale for a count of four… hold for an inhale… exhale… and hold for four… and repeat

Access intuitive solutions via the subconscious mind

Our brains are able to pick apart information and reassemble it, like pieces of a puzzle, in a way that our conscious mind alone cannot

  • When we give ourselves the space to relax, we empower our minds to align with our dreams, and that is when we can achieve a level of success that hustle culture just can’t match

Close your eyes

We can tap into the unconscious processes that help us connect with our innovative ideas and solve problems more efficiently simply by decreasing visual input.

  • Take that pressure off of ourselves
  • Allow your eyelids to gently close, and notice any thoughts that arise.


Making time for free-flowing thought allows for almost effortless disentanglement of the jumbled information in our minds.

  • Approach your daydreaming session with intention: You must be able to notice when you are in this state and pull yourself out at will.
