The 7 Commandments of Long Distance Relationships

The 7 Commandments of Long Distance Relationships
The 7 Commandments of Long Distance Relationships

Cornell Thomas is a speaker, author, and survivor of the often dreaded long distance relationship. He and his wife Melissa went through several extremely rough patches before they figured out how to make long distance work. Now before you start calling him Tom Hanks, understand that this was NO easy feat.

How To Make Long Distance Work: The Real Deal

The first month will always be the honeymoon stage. You miss each other so much that you don’t want to say or do anything that would make each other upset, or question your relationship.

  • During our time together at college, Melissa and I rarely argued. We “debating” styles were a perfect match
  • I would say something dumb and she would sit back, take it in, and wait for my brain to come back.
  • After an amazing amount of time, listening, patience, and yes, practice – we were able to figure out the distance.

How To Make Long Distance Work

You Can Do It!


When you talk about your day, give your significant other more detail than a Stephen King novel

Say sorry and freaking mean it

When there is distance between the two of you, she needs to hear your apology and feel your apology when you’re in the wrong

  • Say sorry even when you think you’re done, and do not be afraid to say it again


Actively listen to what your partner is telling you

Stop Taking Score

If you called her 10 times and she called you nine, STOP thinking that she’s beating you in some weird power game you’ve constructed in your mind.

  • It might be time to move on – or take care of the restraining order, and then move on

Tell the jealousy monster to shut the hell up

During their first two months of marriage, the husband and wife had more arguments than they had the two years prior due to the jealous monster.

Never lose your romance

Send a personal letter. It shows “effort” and that you actually put some time in.
