The 70/20/10 Rule For Growing in Your Job

The 70/20/10 Rule For Growing in Your Job
The 70/20/10 Rule For Growing in Your Job

Unleashing the potential of the 70/20/10 rule can revolutionize your career growth. This principle, often overlooked, holds the key to unlocking your full potential and propelling you towards unprecedented professional success. Let's delve into its profound implications.

The Power of Flexing: How to Use Small Daily Experiments to Create Big Life-Changing Growth

We learn the most from experience, but only if we are present in them and able to flex within them.

  • One of the things we could be tuned into is ourselves-how our actions are coming across to others, the impact we’re having, and our own effectiveness.

Work on being present

We’ve all slipped in being present.

  • Zoom calls where it’s clear that people are listening but might be doing something else
  • Being present in person is much more important than in Zoom calls because it’s much more obvious that someone is listening

What do people want from their leaders in times of crisis?


  • Competence
  • Compassion
  • People want to know that someone is confident that we’re going to get through this
  • How are you growing
  • Asking those simple questions infuses work life with more hope, optimism, and meaning

The practices start with the mindset that you bring to experience

Working on your mindset

  • Setting an intention for how you need to grow
  • Emotion regulation and reflection
  • Reflecting on the experience and what you learned
  • Experiences where there’s a lot at stake are more effective because they’re more challenging
  • Cross cultural and ethnic divides increase developmental challenges

Advice for people returning to the office

Be intentional about it and recognize that this is a change.
