The advantage of growth loops

The advantage of growth loops

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What’s a growth loop?

What’s a growth loop?

It’s a feature of a business that yields a value that multiplies over time.

Imagine a flywheel: You turn the flywheel once and it keeps spinning on its own. Momentum builds and compounds. Look for such force-multipliers when developing your career.

What makes a growth

What makes a growth loop special?

You don’t have to keep investing in it. So think about career assets that could involve a domino effect, like:

A relationship with a super connector. Some people are so influential that if you can count them in your network, other doors are sure to open.

An asset that helps you build your brand. Every move you make in your career should make some noise. If the asset you’re thinking about finds place in a blog post, podcast or YouTube, then you’ll generate broader awareness.

Increasing your overall network. The more people you know, the more people you’ll get introduced to.

Play with your assets,

Play with your assets, aspirations, and market realities until you see compounding potential in one of the combinations.

Being faster, better, or cheaper will make you more competitive, but if you find a growth loop for the intersection of what you do well, what you value, and what the market wants, you’ve aced it.


Entrepreneurs love growth loops

Entrepreneurs love growth loops because they produce both present and future benefits.

A client who brings new clients is more valuable than a client who doesn’t. They help you create a growth loop without requiring you to input continual effort.

A product feature that converts one-time customers into repeat customers is more valuable than one that brings in one-time customers.

At LinkedIn, one growth

At LinkedIn, one growth loop involves the process by which members add new connections – the idea of uploading your address book.

This feature increases the average number of connections for LinkedIn members because it makes it easier to connect with people.

All social media companies benefit from a related dynamic: The more people who join, the more valuable it becomes to users who wish to build their brands or connections.


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