The Art Of Essentialism

The Art Of Essentialism
The Art Of Essentialism

Essentialism, a philosophy that encourages us to distill our lives down to their most vital elements, can be a transformative practice. Discover the art of essentialism and how it can help you focus on what truly matters.


Essentialism is the art of discerning between external noise and internal voice

  • It’s a mindset-a way of life.
  • Work more. Do more. Get more. Fit in more. More more more
  • Say yes to everything
  • Know tradeoffs or trade what is most dear
  • Create pause with your decisions, even with your boss, and properly identify the essential
  • Make a decision based on internal clarity of purpose

Implement a rating scale to measure true value and effectiveness

Evaluate where each thing falls on a 10pt scale

  • Discern more and do less
  • Elevate value and get the real results
  • Don’t misinterpret pressure for purpose, don’t mistake effort with output, and don’t comment.
  • Join fewer calls
  • Attend fewer meetings
  • Stay on the primary contributions and real results

Be an anti-endowmentalist

The Endowment Effect is the idea that we value objects and opportunities higher if we own them versus if we don’t

  • Essentialism is a mindset-not a tactic or tip to do more
  • Stop making the fool’s bargain
  • Things inevitably take longer, doing fewer things and choosing more carefully is essential

Lose the popularity contest

Do not attend meetings that are not important-when people question your absence, apologize and ask what they need you to contribute

  • Be okay with what you lose short-term from a drop in popularity
  • The long-term respect you gain from real results, real work, real contributions, and real tangible value outweighs the loss in popularity votes
  • Protect against rampant moment erosion
  • Reduce the impulse to always have something to do
  • In the end, what truly matters?
