Technical writing is a method of conveying technical knowledge to audiences by simplifying the topic. It takes skill to convey information to the reader in a clear and succinct manner. Technical writing isn’t about how much a writer understands about a subject; it’s about how engaging they can make it for their audience.

The Don’ts of Technical Writing

Be in haste

  • Go over your work, take time to gather information, and do not publish unedited pieces.
  • Switch roles
  • Put pressure on yourself
  • Do not plagiarize
  • Don’t Assume
  • Make sure you know everything there is to know about the topic you are writing about.

Create a structure

Structure your text in such a manner that it is readily scannable for individuals who want to skim it by using tables or charts.

Seek and accept advice

Ask for feedback

  • Did your writing assist them in any way? Did they grasp the idea you were attempting to communicate? Did your material come across as clear and concise?
  • How did your writing aid them in finding answers to their questions?
  • Did they find anything in your writing they didn’t like?


Writing is a process that is iterative, but it is important to have pleasure writing

Never stop learning

To gain a better understanding of the ‘what, why, and how’ of the issue, improve your domain-specific expertise, do in-depth research, consult subject matter experts, or consult the back-end teams

When should I write?

Strong opinions on a topic

Make a game plan

Outline a strategy and outline

Use examples

To make your ideas more accessible, consider introducing a couple of hypothetical scenarios or utilizing a metaphor or a tale to illustrate how it applies to the real world.

  • This will make the information more accessible and give the reader a sense of the context of the ideas.

Know your audience

Write for an audience you know

  • For example, if you’re writing an instruction manual, you’ll need to provide a list of instruction steps and fundamental language for the product’s end-user
  • You may develop a character to help you understand your reader

Simplify Your Language

Avoid using industry jargon if your audience is unlikely to comprehend it
