The Best Morning Routine According to Science

The Best Morning Routine According to Science
The Best Morning Routine According to Science

Morning routines don’t just set the tone for the rest of your day. They also play an integral role on your stress levels too! Say no more, right? With 2020 events and upcoming holidays, we could all use a little less anxiety in our lives. Stick around for some life-changing morning routine hacks to reduce stress.

Early to Bed Early to Rise

Waking up earlier means more time to prepare for the day.

  • The slower you can start your morning, the less stressed you will be and the less you will have to worry about being late for work or trying to fit in other obligations.

Eat the Frog… Get It Over With!

Get it over with first thing, it will leave you feeling so much more accomplished and less stressed, which is exactly what you want with an amazing morning routine.

  • Map out what order to get things done, the worst comes first!

Grab a Cuppa, But Not Immediately

Drink coffee later in the morning, around 9:30-11:30 am.

  • Hydrate with a glass of water and de-stress first before pouring. Your stress will thank you later.
  • Avoid caffeine when cortisol is at its highest.

Do Something That Makes You Happy

One small but fun thing you love to do in the morning will naturally boost your mood and send endorphins to the right place for a better day ahead

Eat a Filling Breakfast

When you eat foods full of healthy fats, protein, and fiber, your blood sugar has a better time stabilizing throughout the day, which means, yep! You guessed it – less stress.

Meditate For as Long as You Need

Studies show meditation can help lower stress levels

The Best Morning Routine Will Leave You Feeling Pristine!

Everyone’s different, so don’t feel pressure to do all of the above hacks.

Move Your Body… Even If It’s Just a Little Bit

Even just a short walk with your dog can work wonders for reducing stress.

Journal It Out

This is where you write down all of the things that come to mind – no matter if it’s just random words.

  • It’s best to use pen and paper, but if you want to use your phone, that’s cool, too!
