The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History Is Happening Right Now

The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History Is Happening Right Now
The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History Is Happening Right Now

Unprecedented shifts in wealth are currently reshaping the global economic landscape. As we stand on the precipice of the largest wealth transfer in history, it's crucial to understand its implications and potential outcomes for future generations.

The biggest wealth transfer in history is explained as a result of US$16 trillion going from one generation to the next

Record unemployment and record highs in the stock market are the first bright red flag.

  • The solution was to print trillions of dollars out of thin air and hand some of that free money out as stimulus checks
  • Where did these trillions go?

The Way You Make Your Money

Many of you bet your future on a single company to make a direct deposit into your bank account every month/fortnight

  • Diversification protects you
  • Betting on one source of money when even the casino has no idea what’s going to happen is dangerous

Content Creation as a Job

Each of you has the ability to exploit your knowledge worker ability and create content

  • Expect a future employer to request a copy of your social media posts to see how you think
  • Transfer some of the wealth that is created by sharing what you know and using it to solve real problems

Money Education Will Change Your Financial Future

Once you understand money you get a chance to take advantage of the wealth transfer

  • We give up our time for money, so we better understand how it works
  • The quicker we do the less work we have to do in the long run, and the more time we can spend with our families

Final Thought

Your life has value. Make sure the value next to your name is a true reflection of your capability and the endless possibilities that exist, thanks to this upside down world of finance that will inevitably change forever.

Your Psychology

How you think determines your ability to access the wealth transfer.

  • Practice stress relief daily
  • Challenge your beliefs
  • Seek out diverse opinions
  • Dare to see things better than they really are
  • Delusion is helpful when seeking out opportunities. Delusion tells you why not me?
