The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion – Elle Luna

The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion  – Elle Luna
The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion – Elle Luna

The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion by Elle Luna is a heartfelt guide to help individuals discover their true calling and transform it into a fulfilling life journey.

Should vs Must

Should represents expectations and obligations imposed by society or ourselves, while Must represents our authentic desires and passions.

Pursue Must to achieve a life of purpose and meaning.

Financial Sustainability

Establish a financial plan that supports your Must, considering savings, a flexible job, or alternate revenue streams.

These measures allow you to focus on your passion without financial pressures.

Embracing Vulnerability

Stepping into your Must entails vulnerability and uncertainty.

By embracing the dynamic nature of life and learning from setbacks, you open the door for growth and personal fulfillment.

The Journey Continues

Finding and following your passion is an ongoing process.

Continue to evaluate, adapt, and remain open to change.

Cultivate gratitude, stay true to your Must, and savor the journey.

Committing to Your Journey

Committing to your Must requires consistent effort, dedication, and belief in your potential.

Surround yourself with a support system and have faith in your innate ability to live your purpose.

Identifying Your Must

Listen to your inner voice, reflect on your childhood dreams, and engage in activities that energize you.

By connecting with your authentic self, you can identify your true passion or Must.

The Power of Space

Create a dedicated space that fosters creativity and inspiration.

A clutter-free, inviting environment enables you to better focus on your passion and supports your journey to Must.

Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination stems from a fear of failure or perfectionism.

To overcome it, set realistic goals, create deadlines, and embrace imperfection while recognizing that progress is more valuable than perfection.

Obstacles and Fears

Fear and financial obligations often hold us back from pursuing our Must.

To make the leap, analyze your fears, find creative solutions, and consider making sacrifices for a more fulfilling life.

Prioritizing Must

Make time for your passions by setting priorities, establishing routines, and avoiding distractions.

Allocate regular time to focus on the things that truly matter and fulfill you.
