The Curse of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

The Curse of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
The Curse of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Ever found yourself staying up late, indulging in activities that offer a sense of control over your time, despite knowing the morning repercussions? Welcome to the world of 'Revenge Bedtime Procrastination', a phenomenon that's more than just a quirky bedtime habit.

Sleep deprivation lowers happiness by degrading emotional-memory recall and encouraging a scarcity mindset

Physical conditions, poor sleep hygiene, work, stress, and young kids are all common barriers to proper sleep.

  • Bedtime procrastination is when we simply put off going to bed because we are doing other things that seem more important at night (but that we regret when it’s time to get up).
  • This is very common, resulting in almost a third of adults getting fewer than six hours of sleep per night, on average.

5 strategies to combat bedtime procrastination

Quell the rebellion against your inner tyrant

  • Think about ways you might be sabotaging your own sleep
  • Make some resolutions
  • Set a bedtime that is both realistic and sensible
  • Tell yourself, I have control over my schedule, and I am choosing to go to bed at this time

Go from physical to metaphysical

Sleep is an opportunity to grow as a person, resolve non-sleep-related quandaries, and advance spiritually.

  • Treat bedtime as a liturgy in which you make the decision to seek greater philosophical depth and clarity about life.
