The Difference Between Investing and Speculating (and Why It Matters)

The Difference Between Investing and Speculating (and Why It Matters)
The Difference Between Investing and Speculating (and Why It Matters)

Investing and Speculation: There is no clear cut line between them, as all investing carries risk. Still, there are differences worth knowing about, no matter what your financial goals might be. You could say the difference between investing and speculation is simply a matter of risk tolerance.

Investing is usually a long-term play

To ensure the highest margin of safety, investors evaluate different assets, industries, and market trends, and try to pick an investment that best is their chance of bringing back consistent returns

  • The most conservative investor will avoid short-term market volatility by investing in assets or stocks over the long term, often carried out over many decades

Speculation is usually focused on short-term gains

Speculators wager on higher-risk markets such as commodities, cryptocurrencies, or shares of small or distressed companies

  • The same level of scrutiny and research applied in finding opportunities for long-term investments can be applied to short term cycles and market behavior

Risk is a spectrum that includes both investing and speculation

It’s not about what you buy, but why you buy-and that varies for people based on their financial goals

  • Knowing the difference between low-risk and high-risk investments is important, knowing your own risk tolerance matters more
  • Consider consulting with a financial advisor
