The Fearless Organization – Amy C. Edmondson

The Fearless Organization – Amy C. Edmondson

In a TEDx Talk, the author describes psychological safety as “a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.” 

Psychological safety is a critical yet often overlooked concept, and one that underpins Edmondson’s latest book, The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth.

The Fearless Organisation: Creating Psychological Safety At The Workplace

Psychological safety is not a personality difference but rather a feature of the workplace that leaders can and must help create.

Most companies do not pay adequate attention to the need for psychological safety to help people cope with the uncertainty and anxiety of organizational change. 

Psychological safety at any company is vital for helping people overcome the defensiveness and “learning anxiety” they face at work, especially when something doesn’t go as they’d hoped or expected.

Performance Standards

Psychological safety is not an “anything goes” environment where people aren’t expected to adhere to high standards or meet deadlines. It isn’t about becoming “comfortable” at work.

Psychological safety enables candor and openness and, as such, thrives in an environment of mutual respect.

Building Psychological Safety

What the leader needs to do to set up the stage:

Leaders Toolkit

Inviting Participation


What a leader needs to do to invite participation:

Productive Response

What a leader needs to do to garner productive response:

Psychological Safety Isn’t A Personality Factor

Psychological safety isn’t about personalities; it refers to the work climate, and climate affects people with different personality traits in roughly similar ways.

In a psychologically safe climate, people will offer ideas and voice their concerns regardless of whether they tend toward introversion or extroversion.

Adopting An Agile Approach

Company strategy can be viewed as a hypothesis, to be tested continuously, rather than a plan.

Organizational learning, championed by company leaders but enacted by everyone, requires actively seeking deviations that challenge the assumptions underpinning a current strategy.

Not Just Trust

Although trust and psychological safety have much in common, they aren’t interchangeable concepts.

A key difference is that psychological safety is experienced at a group level. Further, psychological safety describes a temporally immediate experience

Powerful Questions

An appropriate, empathetic and powerful question has the following attributes:

Inquiring With Employees Proactively

Being able to say that you don’t know and driving participation through inquiry are two strong tenets of psychological safety.

Asking a good question: The Rules:

One, you don’t know the answer; two, you ask questions that don’t limit responses to Yes or No, and three, you phrase the question in a way that helps others share their thinking in a focused way.

Psychological Safety Isn’t About Being Nice

Working in a psychologically safe environment doesn’t mean that people always agree with one another for the sake of being nice. It also doesn’t mean that people offer unequivocal praise or unconditional support for everything you have to say.


Psychological safety is about candor, about making it possible for productive disagreement and the free exchange of ideas. Conflict inevitably arises in any workplace. Psychological safety enables people on different sides of a conflict to speak candidly about what’s bothering them.


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