The Growth Mindset & How It Can Help You Achieve Success

The Growth Mindset & How It Can Help You Achieve Success
The Growth Mindset & How It Can Help You Achieve Success

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The self-perceptions and beliefs

The self-perceptions and beliefs people form about themselves play an integral role in forming their mindsets. Mindset can be easily understood as the set of attitudes held by someone. Your mindset reflects in your actions and thoughts. Thus, your mindset, by and large, governs the image you form about yourself.

Studies have shown that based on mindset, people can be roughly divided into two categories: fixed mindset and growth mindset. It is easy to recognise people with a ‘fixed mindset’. Such people tend to believe that their basic attributes, like intelligence and talent, are innate and set in stone. On the other hand, people with a ‘growth mindset’ are completely different humans. They believe that their basic abilities are malleable and can be easily developed over time.

Switching your mindset from

Switching your mindset from fixed to growth is a tedious task, but it can be surely achieved by following some ways mentioned below.

1. Observe your mindset.

Curing the disease is difficult if it’s left undiagnosed. To change your mindset, it is important to recognise it. Do you tell yourself that you are not good at a task, so there’s no point attempting it? Do you worry that if you try your hardest and fail at something, you will be labelled as ‘no good’?

If you notice that you ask these questions to yourself, then you have a fixed mindset.

2. Challenge your beliefs.Post

2. Challenge your beliefs.

Post recognition of ‘fixed mindset’, you must focus on nurturing a ‘growth mindset’. It is not as difficult as it sounds. A motivating self-talk can help you pretty much. Encourage yourself to make focused efforts rather than worrying about the results.

3. Build a ‘growth’

3. Build a ‘growth’ muscle.

Neuroscientists have found that there is a circuit in the brain that governs persistence in the face of difficulty. It keeps motivating you not to give up! This circuit is common to all. Challenges arise when it’s not functioning. You can change your brain’s wiring by slowly teaching it that hard work and resilience pay.

Religiously following these ways will make quick and satisfactory changes in your mindset. Over time a ‘growth mindset’ will become an unconscious response.
