The Important Life Lessons We Learned From ‘The Hunger Games’

The Important Life Lessons We Learned From ‘The Hunger Games’
The Important Life Lessons We Learned From ‘The Hunger Games’

“The Hunger Games” has undeniably taken the world by storm, first by the novels and then by the films. The fact that this series targeted a younger audience has not deterred people of all ages, both men and women, from diving right into the storyline. The underlying meaning behind the interactions taught us valuable lessons that can be applied to any and all aspects of life.

Sacrifice is the foundation of maturity

You need to know when to stand your ground and when to concede in life.

  • Show others how important they are to you by compromising on your wants and desires, it really shows them how much you value them.
  • Katniss’ childhood as she knows it is over and she is forced to grow up.

Arrogance can become a big problem

Confidence is key in any and all aspects of life, but there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance

  • Be careful of how you assert yourself before you scare people away
  • When values become overbearing, arrogance will emerge

Stay true to who you are until the very end

If you sacrifice your individuality, you will risk losing your identity.

  • Don’t conform to someone else’s idea if it is not something you believe in. People will respect you a hell of a lot more if you are confident in your motives and beliefs.

Alliances are important even if they are temporary

In life, you are going to face a variety of situations that may be better navigated with another person.

  • People come and go in life, that’s just the natural cycle. Take people for what they are worth and what they can offer in particular situations.

In order to survive, you must get people to like you

If people don’t like you, they will seek to undermine your efforts in any situation.

  • It is definitely in your best interest to have admirers, whether this is in your social circle or at your office.

Self-sufficiency will ensure your survival

At the end of the day, your survival is contingent upon yourself.

  • What works for one person may not (and most likely will not) work for you. The only guarantee in life is you and the knowledge you’ve gathered over time.

Exposure can kill as easily as a knife

Too much comfort can silently kill you

  • Never get too comfortable, always be ready to change
  • When you’re young, it’s important never to get comfortable
  • You need to keep pushing yourself outside of your social comfort zone and try new things

Perception is everything

What people perceive is usually what they believe, and this is based on what they hear, see, and think

  • The way people view you and the way you present yourself is the impression you will leave behind
  • If you don’t like the way your life is playing out, you can always take charge of your own perception of reality

There’s nothing wrong with getting a little bit of help

Sometimes, asking for help is necessary

  • The belief that you should be able to survive while only depending on yourself is unrealistic and unnecessary
  • Look at the reality of your situation
  • Do you really need help? Is the only thing stopping you from asking is your ego?

Sometimes you really just need a drink

Sometimes life gets stressful, and you’ve done all that you can manage to do, and still you are frustrated

  • Have a drink to relax
  • Any activity that will alleviate stress can help
  • Yoga class, reading a book, smoking weed
