The Most Effective Hack for Overcoming Fear of Failure Without Struggling in 2022

The Most Effective Hack for Overcoming Fear of Failure Without Struggling in 2022
The Most Effective Hack for Overcoming Fear of Failure Without Struggling in 2022

Unleash your potential in 2022 by mastering the art of overcoming fear of failure. Discover a powerful hack that will transform your perspective, eliminate struggle, and propel you towards success. Embrace the journey of self-improvement and fearlessly chase your dreams.

The most effective hack for overcoming fear of failure without struggling

The hack consists of 2 parts

  • It may seem simple, but it will take a bit of patience, persistence, and determination to successfully execute it.
  • This hack is based on experience and is designed to be simple, effective, and direct.

Part 2: subconscious mind reprogramming

Use the mindfulness meditation technique to cool down the fear of failure as it arises in the mind by positioning it as the object of meditation.

  • Every time after the fear passes away from awareness is the perfect time to tell the subconscious mind your new and better version of the mindset you’ve prepared.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The hack consists of two parts that work together as a whole

  • Fear of failure is a learned emotional response rooted in the old disempowering mindset that is buried deep down in the subconscious mind
  • Overcoming Fear of Failure by Giovanni Dienstmann is a 12-week program designed specifically for this purpose
  • Practice meditation consistently, persistently, and patiently
  • Many people report significant progress after 8 weeks of consistent practice

The truth behind the fear of failure

Fear of failure is an emotion product of the amygdala

  • It is the emotional response from the brain to the perspective of pains in the forms of embarrassment, rejection, disappointment, or loss of money, social relations, credibility, or self-esteem
  • This fear cannot be unlearned because it is a learned response that cannot be easily undone
  • Since fear is there as a mechanism to protect us from harm and to keep us out of danger; it is not to be ignored entirely
  • We need to maintain balance to decide which fear to consider and which to ignore

Part 1: Mindset Adjustment

We tend to view success as something to be proud of, extraordinary, great, excellent whereas failure is something bad, undesirable and even embarrassing

  • Success is only an effect of the many causes that come together, providing the right condition
  • Failure is more exciting because it gives us more fuel to learn more, to strive more
  • Accept failure because it means there’s more to learn
  • Use failure as your new empowering mindset in the form of self-talk
  • Borrow great ideas from the greats
