The Pentagon compiled research into invisibility cloaking, wormholes, and warp drive

The Pentagon compiled research into invisibility cloaking, wormholes, and warp drive
The Pentagon compiled research into invisibility cloaking, wormholes, and warp drive

A document released this month revealed a secretive multimillion-dollar Department of Defense program from the late 2000s compiled research into invisibility cloaks, warp drive, and many other areas of fringe space science as part of a now-defunct program aimed at detecting and potentially explaining strange sightings in the Earth’s atmosphere

The UFO Program

Between 2007 and 2012, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) spent $22 million on this UFO program, which was formally known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

  • The purpose of AATIP was to “investigate foreign advanced aerospace weapon threats from the present out to the next 40 years.”

Since the early 2000s, professor Ulf Leonhardt has been working on developing invisibility cloaks

Invisibility cloaking tech is still far away from being incorporated into any military (or civilian) tech

  • One theoretical solution involves using wormholes to bypass Newtonian physics and burrow through space-time to get people from one spot to another (or one time to another) very quickly
  • Despite it’s constant use in science fiction, wormhole travel is still very much hypothetical

The Defense Intelligence Agency

The US government’s interest in UFOs, aliens, and more speculative science has been a topic of debate and public interest ever since the 1947 Roswell crash in New Mexico

  • Even though the Air Force has released multiple reports on the incident, lawmakers are still facing pressure from the public to disclose documents related to the crash or the government’s so-called X-files
  • During her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton vowed to open up the government’s files on UFOs, so long as the action presented no threat to national security
