The power of imperfect stats

The power of imperfect stats
The power of imperfect stats

Parent Post

When you have a

When you have a goal — whether it’s starting a business or eating healthier or traveling the world — it’s easy to look at someone who is already doing it and then try to reverse engineer their strategy.

Learning from the experiences of successful people is a great way to accelerate your own learning curve.

But it’s equally important to remember that the systems, habits, and strategies that successful people are using today are probably not the same ones they were using when they began their journey.

When you’re an entrepreneur,

When you’re an entrepreneur, it’s so easy to get obsessed with optimal. This is especially true at the start. 

People get happy with something as simple as a logo or the smallest wins. But it’s ultimately all about them, and their hard work and outlook more than anything else.

Avoiding by optimizingClaiming that

Avoiding by optimizing

Claiming that you need to “learn more” or “get all of your ducks in a row” can often be a crutch that prevents you from moving forward on the stuff that actually matters.

Obsessing about the ultimate strategy or the ultimate diet or the ultimate golf club can be a clever way to prevent yourself from doing hard work.

If you set your bar at “amazing,” it’s awfully difficult to start.

Small habits will leave

Small habits will leave you smitten. But don’t let visions of what is optimal prevent you from getting started in the first place.

An imperfect start can always be improved, but obsessing over a perfect plan will never take you anywhere on its own.

What is optimal versus

What is optimal versus what is needed

Learning from others is great. 

But comparing your current situation to someone who is already successful can make you feel like you lack the required resources to get started. 

If you look at their optimal setup, you can convince yourself that you need to buy new things or learn new skills or meet new people before you can even take the first step toward your goals.

And usually, that’s not true. 
