The Power of Positive Thinking – Norman Vincent Peale

The Power of Positive Thinking – Norman Vincent Peale
The Power of Positive Thinking – Norman Vincent Peale

The universe responds to you.

Expect The Best And Get It

This universe responds to your vibrations. Vibrations are your deep-rooted thinking patterns. The way you think, this universe responds to you. Positive thinking brings out ecstasy, while negative patterns drain your energy. You must have deep faith in spirituality and always affirm and think positively for the best results.

The Great Law

A four-word law packed with dynamic and creative force is – Faith Power Works Wonders.

Hold this thought in your mind, and say it over and over again. Say it until your mind accepts it and you believe it.

Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that ensures the successful outcome of your venture”


Never mention the worst, and never even think of it. Drop it out of your consciousness.

As a result, your thoughts will be drawn to what is best, and you will become conditioned to its realization. This practice will bring all of your power to bear on focusing on the attainment of the best. It will bring out the best in you.

How To Be Positive And Expect The Best

Change your mental habits from disbelief to belief. Learn to expect and not to doubt. In doing so, you bring everything into the realm of possibility.

If you approach difficulty as a demonstration of personal unity, the difficulty, which itself is a demonstration of disunity, will deteriorate.

Select dozens of the strongest statements about faith. Say them over and over again before going to sleep, and they will get ingrained in your subconscious.

Why Is It Difficult To Be Positive

Our brain is a material thing. It believes what it sees and touches through our senses. So, it becomes difficult to turn it around to optimism when the situation is actually not very good.

On evolutionary grounds, our brain developed defense mechanisms. It primarily defends you. 


Consequently, it constantly scans for possible threats and problems, even though they might not actually exist. And sometimes it overemphasizes a situation, which makes you completely vulnerable to negativity.

Our brain loves drama, and drama is negativity.

No Thought

  • Let there be no thought in your mind that the worst will happen. Avoid entertaining the concept of the worst because whatever you take into your mind can grow there.
  • Know what you want and be specifically positive about it.
  • Put all your consciousness towards something that you desire and throw all there is of yourself into your job or your goal.

I have no doubt about the effectiveness of this concept, for I have seen it work so often that my enthusiasm for faith power is absolutely boundless”

Anxiety and worry

Today’s modern world is full of worry and competition. You compare yourself, your stats and your results with others. Unwanted news and social media make us feel unsatisfied with our lives and vulnerable to negativity.

How Expecting the Best Works.

Scientific: When you continuously perform a newly introduced action, your brain forms freshly new neural paths and your body become habitual in its response. Thus, thinking positively will lead to appropriate actions and strategies that will eventually reach your destination, i.e., your goal.


Psychological: When you affirm something positively, your brain responds to it in an ecstatic manner, and you become calmer and more peaceful. This mindset will restrict you from doing yourself any mental harm, and mental harmony will prevail.
