The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery – Ian Morgan Cron

The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery  – Ian Morgan Cron
The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery – Ian Morgan Cron

The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery by Ian Morgan Cron invites readers to explore the Enneagram, an ancient personality framework, as a tool for understanding oneself and others. Cron offers insights and practical advice wrapped in captivating stories as he guides you on a journey of self-awareness and personal growth.

The Enneagram

The Enneagram is a nine-sided symbolic figure that represents nine distinct personality types.

Each type is defined by a core belief, fear, and desire that shapes our worldview and behavior.

Through the Enneagram, we can identify and appreciate our unique gifts and areas for growth.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Sixes crave security and are responsible, trustworthy, and committed to community.

Loyalists struggle with fear and indecision, seeking external guidance to alleviate anxiety.

Growth involves developing self-confidence, embracing change, and relying on their inner guidance.

Type 8: The Challenger

Eights are natural leaders, with a desire to assert control and protect the vulnerable.

They fear being weak or vulnerable themselves.

Challengers can grow by acknowledging their vulnerability and balancing their assertive nature with empathy and understanding.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Nines merge with others and accommodate to maintain harmony.

Peacemakers fear conflict, which may result in indecisiveness and passivity.

Nines can grow by asserting their desires, trusting their instincts, and embracing both conflicts and resolutions.

Type 4: The Individualist

Fours are emotionally sensitive, intuitive, and creative.

They long for a unique identity and fear being ordinary.

Individualists may feel envious or melancholic when comparing themselves to others.

Personal growth can occur when they acknowledge the beauty in common experiences.

Type 1: The Perfectionist

Ones are driven by a strong sense of right and wrong with a desire for improvement in themselves and the world.

Perfectionists can struggle with anger and resentment when they or others fail to meet their high standards.

To grow, Ones must learn that it’s okay to make mistakes and that nobody is perfect.

Type 5: The Investigator

Fives hunger for knowledge and fear being overwhelmed by the world.

Investigators can become isolated and detached from their feelings.

They can grow by recognizing the value of relationships and sharing their knowledge and insights with others.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Sevens seek experiences, excitement, and spontaneity to avoid pain and boredom.

Enthusiasts have a fear of being restricted or trapped.

They can grow by learning to find satisfaction in the present moment and working through difficult emotions.

Type 2: The Helper

Twos focus on nurturing and maintaining relationships by being sensitive to other’s needs but may struggle with self-neglect.

They fear being unworthy of love and may display possessiveness.

Helpers can grow by prioritizing self-care and establishing healthy boundaries.

Type 3: The Achiever

Threes are achievers who seek recognition and affirmation through accomplishment.

This drive may lead to workaholism and a loss of authentic identity.

Achievers can benefit from examining their internal motivations and fostering genuine connections with others.
