The Six Step Reframe Technique

The Six Step Reframe Technique
The Six Step Reframe Technique

Motives drive behavior. Behind every behavior is a positive intention – this is one of the basic NLP presuppositions. The six step reframe technique is a powerful and underestimated NLP technique that helps us keep the ones that work even when times change and those responses may not be the most useful ones.

The Process

Identify a troubling behavior or response, something you would rather not do or feel

  • Establish communication with the part creating the unwanted behavior
  • Find the positive intention: recognize the difference between the parts intention and the way it is going about getting it
  • Ask for help from your creative part to create three alternative ways to get the intended outcome
  • Have the part evaluate these new choices

Video Example

Bandler and Grinder developed the six step reframe technique from their study of Milton Erickson (ideomotor signals) and Virginia Satir’s work with parts.

  • Behind every behavior is a positive intention – this is one of the basic NLP presuppositions.

The Process

Identify a troubling behavior or response, something you would rather not do or feel

  • Establish communication with the part creating the unwanted behavior
  • Find the positive intention: recognize the difference between the parts intention and the way it is going about getting it
  • Ask for help from your creative part to create three alternative ways to get the intended outcome
  • Have the part evaluate these new choices
