The Strength of Suffering: How Adversity Makes You a Hero

The Strength of Suffering: How Adversity Makes You a Hero
The Strength of Suffering: How Adversity Makes You a Hero

Adversity is an inevitable part of life, and though it may be difficult to accept, suffering can actually breed strength. This strength can manifest in various forms, from heroic acts to being a role model for others.

Taking the Easy Way Out: Not Enough

Society has created a narrative that suffering is something to avoid.

We are encouraged to take the easy way out and not push our limits.

But, as noted by Robin Sharma in his Daily Mastery Podcast, it takes personal rigor and commitment to become a world-class individual in any field.

From Prison to Icon: The Story of Nelson Mandela

One example of this comes from Nelson Mandela, whose experience in prison made him the global hero he is today.

His story shows us that it is precisely during moments of difficulty and suffering that we grow and develop.

Make Adversity Work For You

To use adversity to our advantage, we must become comfortable with discomfort and be relentless in our pursuit of greatness.

We can do this by creating habits that support growth and progress, like sticking to a consistent schedule, practicing relaxation techniques before bed, investing in comfortable bedding and minimizing distractions from screens.
