The Three Laws of Performance – Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan

The Three Laws of Performance – Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan
The Three Laws of Performance – Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan

“The Three Laws of Performance” offers a framework for understanding how individuals and organizations can transform their performance. It outlines three laws that explain how people create their experience of the world, how language shapes that experience, and how people can change their experience and performance by transforming their language.

Our experience of the world is created through language

Language is the key to our experience of the world. Our words and the way we use them shape the way we see and interact with the world. By changing our language, we can change our experience of the world.

Transformation requires a shift in culture

Real transformation requires a shift in the culture of an organization. By changing the language and behavior of individuals, we can create a new culture that supports transformation and sustained success.

Listening is a key leadership skill

Effective leaders know how to listen. By listening deeply and empathetically, leaders can build trust, gain new insights, and create a more inclusive and collaborative culture.

Performance is a function of language

Performance is not just about actions; it is also a function of language. By using powerful, positive language and creating a clear and compelling vision of the future, we can inspire ourselves and others to achieve great things.

Commitment is key to transformation

Real transformation requires commitment. By making a clear and specific commitment to a new vision of the future, we can create the conditions for transformation and make lasting change.

Reality is subjective

There is no objective reality, only subjective experience. Our experience of the world is shaped by our language, and different people can have vastly different experiences of the same situation based on the language they use to describe it.

Change starts with leaders

Leaders have a crucial role to play in transforming organizations. By modeling new ways of thinking and speaking, leaders can inspire others to follow suit and create a culture of transformation.

Trust is essential

Trust is essential for creating a culture of transformation. By building trust through open communication and a willingness to be vulnerable, we can create the conditions for real change.

Our language creates our future

The language we use to describe our goals and aspirations shapes our future. By using powerful, positive language, we can create a compelling vision of the future and inspire ourselves and others to work towards it.

The past does not equal the future

Our past experiences do not determine our future. By changing our language and creating a new narrative about ourselves and our circumstances, we can break free from limiting beliefs and create a new, more positive future.
