Time blocking 101: A step-by-step guide to getting the most from your daily schedule

Time blocking 101: A step-by-step guide to getting the most from your daily schedule
Time blocking 101: A step-by-step guide to getting the most from your daily schedule

The problem is that when you design your to-do list for an 8-hour workday but end up with just 1-2 hours of productive time, you’re in trouble. Here’s how you can use time blocking to make the most of the time you have each day.

What is time blocking?

Time blocking is the practice of planning out every moment of your day in advance and dedicating specific time “blocks” for certain tasks and responsibilities.

  • This might sound like you’re turning your calendar into a chaotic mess, but it can actually have the opposite effect – when you fill your calendar with the things you want to do, it’s harder for others to steal your time.

Start With Your High-Level Priorities

Why do you want to use time blocking?

Set aside time for both Deep & Shallow tasks

For most people, the appeal of time blocking is in setting aside long stretches of time for focused work.

  • You can’t spend all day on Maker Time, but it’s all about finding a balance
  • The more you can block out your best time for productive and meaningful work, the better.

The best time blocking apps

Time blocking apps to help you get more out of your day

Why does it work?

The human brain needs guardrails at work to prevent distraction

  • By scheduling every minute of your day, you guard against distraction and multiply your focus
  • Single-tasking-focusing on one task at a time-can make you up to 80% more productive than splitting attention across multiple tasks

A daytimer for staying on task

Use a Pomodoro timer

How to Start Time Blocking Your Schedule in 5 Steps

Time-blocking is a powerful time management strategy

  • Keeps you on task and less likely to get distracted
  • If you take too much time on one task, it can push the rest of your schedule back

Quick tips from time blocking experts

Place buffers in between tasks

  • Schedule your breaks (not just lunch).
  • Overestimate how long things will take
  • Put in time for downtime, relaxation, and learning.
  • Tell people what you’re doing
  • Set aside time throughout the day for a quick stretch or walk to give your brain (and your eyes) a rest.


A time-tracking tool for identifying distractions and perfecting your schedule

  • See where you’re most distracted, what time of day you’re most productive, and set goals around time spent on email, social media, or entertainment during the workday.

Either you control your calendar or it controls you

Time blocking is only one of the many time management strategies out there.

  • We’re all beholden to our calendars
  • And the more you can be in control of what’s on there, the more in control you’ll be of your time, focus, and productivity

Create a “bookend template” for your day

Start with guardrails for your time outside of work

  • How will you disconnect from work and make time for friends, family, and hobbies?
  • These tasks are just as important as what you do during the day

Add blocks for reactive tasks each day

Batch email time into “bursts” so that it doesn’t taint the rest of your time.

  • If you can, try to find a few times a day where you can commit a chunk of time to email, calls, or meetings.

Fill in your to-do list

Do you have enough slots for both your deep and shallow work tasks?
