Tipping Sacred Cows – Jake Breeden

Tipping Sacred Cows – Jake Breeden
Tipping Sacred Cows – Jake Breeden

“Tipping Sacred Cows: Kick the Bad Work Habits that Masquerade as Virtues” discusses how certain commonly held beliefs or practices in the workplace can actually hinder success and offers strategies for overcoming these habits. Breeden argues that by challenging and “tipping” these so-called sacred cows, individuals and organizations can achieve greater effectiveness and innovation.

Question your sacred cows

The first step to overcoming bad work habits is to identify and question the beliefs and practices that are holding you back. It can be uncomfortable to challenge long-held beliefs, but doing so can help you to see things in a new light and make positive changes.

Get comfortable with discomfort

Change is often uncomfortable, but it’s also necessary for growth. Breeden suggests getting comfortable with the discomfort that comes with change and seeing it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Be a mindful skeptic

Mindfulness can help us to be more present and focused, but it’s also important to be skeptic and question things that don’t make sense. By combining mindfulness with critical thinking, you can make more informed decisions and avoid falling into unhelpful habits.

Don’t forget to have fun

Work can be stressful, but it’s important to remember to have fun and enjoy yourself. By finding ways to inject some playfulness and joy into your work, you can improve your mood, boost your creativity, and ultimately be more successful.

Banish the word ‘should’

Many of us have internalized a set of rules about what we “should” and “shouldn’t” do in the workplace. But Breeden argues that these rules are often outdated and unhelpful. Instead of blindly following them, it’s important to critically evaluate whether they actually make sense for you and your organization.

Don’t just do something, stand there

In many organizations, busyness is valued over productivity. Breeden suggests taking a step back and reflecting on what really matters, rather than just rushing to complete tasks. By focusing on quality over quantity, you may actually end up being more productive.

Celebrate failure

In many workplaces, failure is seen as a negative thing to be avoided at all costs. But Breeden argues that failure is actually an essential part of the learning process. By embracing failure and learning from it, you can become more resilient and better equipped to handle challenges in the future.

Know your strengths and weaknesses

Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses is essential for success in the workplace. By being honest with yourself about where you excel and where you struggle, you can make better decisions about where to focus your time and energy.

Embrace your inner slacker

Many of us believe that working longer hours is a sign of dedication and hard work, but research has shown that working too much can actually decrease productivity and lead to burnout. Breeden argues that taking breaks and allowing yourself time to rest can actually lead to better performance.

Dare to be different

Conformity is often valued in the workplace, but Breeden argues that being different can actually be an asset. By challenging the status quo and bringing new ideas to the table, you can help your organization to innovate and stay ahead of the curve.
