Use this Simple strategy to Break a Stubborn Bad Habit

Use this Simple strategy to Break a Stubborn Bad Habit
Use this Simple strategy to Break a Stubborn Bad Habit

Our habits are very important. They tend to impact our health and well-being and happiness a lot more than other things. This means that if we have bad habits, we need to get rid of them as soon as we can because otherwise they are likely to do us harm.

Awareness is important

Recognize that the habit is bad and that you need to break it

  • Accept that you have a habit that is not working with you
  • No need to be harsh, simply acknowledge it and give yourself permission to start working toward breaking it

Make a plan

Don’t expect the habit to go away. It’s likely to grow stronger with time, not weaker

Don’t give up if you slip

Just go back to what you were doing and keep pushing the new habit that you want to implement

Have an alternative option

Create a new, healthier habit that will distract us and allow us to let go of the bad habit.

  • For example, if you always smoke when you are stressed, what can you do instead?
  • Meditate or drink a soothing cup of tea, or do something else that will be better for your health.

Give it time

A habit is something our brains get used to and might seek out when it’s gone.

  • Remind yourself that the situation is temporary and will improve soon enough, but also that a habit, especially an ingrained one, won’t disappear after one day.

Keep yourself busy

If you keep yourself busy, it can make the process a lot easier

Find accountability

Have someone else know about your commitment to keep you accountable

  • Tell a trusted friend or family member, and ask them to check in on your progress.
  • If there is someone else around you who also wants to give up a bad habit, doing it together can boost your commitment and also allow you to work through it together.
