Using Your Difficult Experiences to Open Your Heart

Using Your Difficult Experiences to Open Your Heart
Using Your Difficult Experiences to Open Your Heart

Difficult experiences can have a purpose – breaking our hearts can open them and make us wiser. We can use our past as a platform for greater possibility, learning lessons that can help us reach a higher level of consciousness, wisdom, bravery and love.

Embracing Difficult Experiences for Growth

The great philosopher Rumi said “keep breaking your heart over and over and over until it opens” while Helen Keller said “if there was only joy in the world, we would not learn patience and strength.” Going through difficult experiences isn’t something to be feared but rather embraced as an opportunity to grow and develop.

Reframing Difficult Experiences

We must re-frame our thoughts about difficult experiences and see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Reflecting on the people who have come and gone from our lives and the events that have shaped us can help us to understand what we needed to learn from each situation.

Unlocking Greater Possibility with the Past

To move forward, we need to recognize that every experience is perfectly calibrated to teach us the lessons we need to get to our next level of consciousness, wisdom, bravery and love.

We don’t need to be afraid of the past but should use it as a platform for greater possibility in life.
