Want a Promotion? These 4 Habits Are More Powerful Than Talent

Want a Promotion? These 4 Habits Are More Powerful Than Talent
Want a Promotion? These 4 Habits Are More Powerful Than Talent

Are you eyeing that next step up the career ladder? Talent alone may not get you there. Discover four powerful habits that could potentially outshine raw talent and help you secure that much-desired promotion.

Talent can only take you so far

The reason some people are high performers is because they’ve formed good habits.

  • 46% of respondents chalk up their career success to having the right habits
  • Only 24% attributed their success to natural talent
  • 22.5% said it was due to the decisions they made

Be Curious

Dedicate time each week to dreaming and researching.

  • Choose something very specific and small in the beginning to begin the habit. It may not have impact in the moment, but it may contribute to success later. Success is often drawn from something you learned along the way.

Tackle the Hard Stuff First

Habits can be small and basic, but when you do them every day they compound over time.

  • When you want to achieve a big goal, you need an entry point-a habit that’s as small as possible, so you’re most likely to do it and set your day into action

Hesitate Before Saying “No”

Take a moment to think “yes” before saying “no” to expand your comfort zone

  • Habits for creating energy include sleep, meditation, physical activity, and nutrition
  • Thinking ‘yes’ before saying ‘no’ allows you to be conscious of your energy

Trust Your Gut

Stop at 80% confidence, but don’t strive for 110%

  • There is a point of diminishing return
  • Know when you’re good enough, and keep going until you’re not anymore
  • Don’t put energy into something if you don’t get a bang for your buck
