Want to Build Unbeatable Mental Toughness? Here Are 5 Surprisingly Effective Ways

Want to Build Unbeatable Mental Toughness? Here Are 5 Surprisingly Effective Ways
Want to Build Unbeatable Mental Toughness? Here Are 5 Surprisingly Effective Ways

Seun Adebiyi is a self-employed, freelance attorney with InCloudCounsel, a legal technology company that automates and enhances high-volume legal processes. He has become an entrepreneur and carries the torch for Nigeria in the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Here are five ways to develop unbeatable mental toughness.

Never confuse who you are with what you do

The most common mistake people make is to confuse their self-worth with their accomplishments

  • In reality, nothing could be further from the truth
  • When I first missed the Olympics–fracturing my spine from overtraining just months before the 2000 Games–it was my first major setback as an athlete, and I completely crumbled mentally–all because I had made the mistake of tying my self- worth to my sense of accomplishment

Fortify your village, then build a moat

Find the handful of people who will support you no matter what, invest your time and energy in strengthening those relationships.

  • Separate yourself from the toxic people in your life who tear down your self-confidence.

Be prepared

The biggest opportunities for personal and professional growth are found in times of upheaval and uncertainty

  • Work on your self-image, inner dialogue, present-moment awareness, and key relationships now
  • Practice visualization/meditation every day, affirm your key relationships, and minimize negative influences with just a few minutes each day

Master your inner dialogue

What you say to yourself matters more than what the entire world says about you

  • Refuse to accept the perspective that you are a “cancer patient”
  • You are an Olympic hopeful who is overcoming cancer, and that is the most important thing to focus on

Learn to live in the moment

When the storms of life start tossing you around like a toy, you need an anchor–something you can cling to when all seems hopeless
