What all creative freelancers need to succeed

What all creative freelancers need to succeed

Embarking on a creative freelancing journey? Success hinges on more than just talent. Discover the essential tools, strategies, and mindsets that every creative freelancer needs to thrive in the competitive landscape of today's gig economy.

Building a profitable and purposeful creative business is a lonely, uphill struggle

We ALL need people who are able to see our vision and are willing to hold space for it when we inevitable falter

Share your progress

Decide where, when, and how often you will share your progress.

Find the people who are doing great things and join them

Determine who your same-level, or a few steps further along, people are and where they’re hanging out

Be willing to share your most audacious vision

If you’ve ever hidden your biggest dreams because you were worried about what friends/family/random strangers online would say about it, you’re not alone.

Commit to consistent, imperfect action

Action steps


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