What are the Benefits of Waking up Early? [9 Tips Included]

What are the Benefits of Waking up Early? [9 Tips Included]
What are the Benefits of Waking up Early? [9 Tips Included]

There are so many other benefits to waking up early, from better performance in school to being more able to stick to a diet plan. Here are nine helpful tips to make rising early a habit, and answer some questions you have about starting a morning routine.If you win the morning, you win your day.


People who wake up early tend to eat breakfast, while later risers are often rushing out the door and have to grab something convenient (i.e. unhealthy)

  • Having a predictable sleep routine ensures that your skin gets proper time to rejuvenate.
  • Exercise in the morning, you are less likely to have an excuse and will feel energized all day long

Start Slowly

If you wake up at 8 am and decide that tomorrow you want to be out of bed by 5 am, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Set an Alarm Clock

Put it across the room and move it so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.

Make a Firm Decision to Get Up

Set up external cues in your environment to encourage you to get up

  • Remind yourself of your commitment to a three hour sleep every morning
  • Get ready to start your day with an alarm set for 3:00 a.m


Starting your day early improves your concentration

  • Having more time to focus on important tasks while the rest of the world is asleep translates to fewer interruptions
  • Brains tend to be most alert in the morning
  • Setting your goals first thing will help you achieve them
  • You have more energy throughout the day

What is the best time to wake up?

The answer to this question depends on what you are used to, but generally, the medical community agrees that waking up at sunrise is best.

  • Another important factor to keep in mind is consistency – set a time that you plan on waking up, and stick to it.


Keeping your body on a sleep routine will make it easier to go to sleep and wake up naturally at the same time each night.

  • People who get up early are naturally sleepier when it’s the “normal” time to get ready for bed
  • A predictable routine will help you sleep better

Consider It as a Reward

By rising early, you’re rewarding yourself

What are the effects of waking up late?

Besides having to rush around and feel like you’re playing catch up all day, the harmful effects include having a hard time falling asleep when it’s time for bed, messing up your internal clock, and feeling exhausted when the alarm goes off in the morning

What’s the importance of a morning routine?

Having a set routine each morning will help you stay focused and productive

  • Countless productivity experts agree that the first thing you do in the morning is to make your bed – it gives you a small win and you can claim completing that task as your first accomplishment of the day!

Sleep Early

Start going to bed earlier than you normally would to get enough hours of sleep, and avoid feeling deprived when the alarm goes off

Step Out of the Bedroom

Leave your bedroom.

Have a Good Reason

Think of something positive that you plan on accomplishing.
